Unit 6: Synchronise Content between SDMX Registries

FMR provides the means to synchronise its structural metadata contents with that of another registry instance.

On synchronisation, the registry will display a list of all the differences and offer the user the opportunity to push local changes to the target registry or pull changes in from the target registry.

Synchronising content between SDMX registries

How do you synchronise content between SDMX registries?

Select each question to see the answer.

To perform a synchronisation, navigate to the Environments page, and select the target environment to synchronise with and click the Synchronise button.

The local registry will query for the contents of the target registry and perform a check of its contents against the local contents.

The result will show a list of all the differences between the two environments. Each change is categorised by whether it is incoming, outgoing or a conflict.

Synchronisation options include PULL and PUSH:

  • A PULL results in importing a structure from the target environment to the local environment.
  • A PUSH results in the local structure being submitted to the target environment.
  • A PULL does not require authentication as the PULL action will be verified against the credentials of the currently authenticated user.
  • A PUSH requires authentication against the target environment. The credentials of an agency user or admin user must be used, with the target environment performing authentication and authorisation.

This feature can also be used to PULL artefacts, such as codelists, from other registries (e.g. SDMX Global Registry) into your FMR server for use in your own structural data modelling work.

Full details on how to use this feature are detailed in this FMRwiki.

What do you know?

Now that you’ve looked at how to synchronise content between SDMX registries, try this.

Does a PUSH action require authentication?

Select your answer and then select Submit.