
In statistics production there is an interaction between several types of competences. The primary competences being subject matter, statistical methodology, and information technology.

This module is targeted at statisticians working in:

  • subject matter,
  • methodology, and
  • statistical operations (production) areas.

This module aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to transform and map statistical logical models to the SDMX standard. This knowledge will enable you to ultimately support and lead the implementation and maintenance of digitalisation and innovation projects using the SDMX standard.

About this module

The module begins with a review of the essential SDMX concepts for describing data, followed by exercises to map the statistical concepts and data models defined in the Introduction to Structural Modelling for Statisticians module to the SDMX standard, ultimately resulting in the creation of SDMX Logical Models.

The module will focus exclusively on macro statistics. Throughout the course, the term data will be used as a synonym for statistics and macrodata.

What you’ll learn

At the end of this module, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to transform and map statistical logical models to the SDMX standard.

Learning Objectives

  • Establish a shared understanding of statistical concepts and terms for structural modelling of macro statistics.
  • Establish a shared understanding of the essential SDMX concepts for describing and identifying statistics.
  • Learn the mapping between statistical structural models and the SDMX Information Model.
  • Learn how to translate a statistical structural model to SDMX and identify the necessary SDMX elements to fully describe and identify the statistics in SDMX.
  • Develop skills in structural modelling of statistical data in accordance with the SDMX Information Model.


You should already have the following:

  • Experience working with statistical data and an understanding of the concepts for describing macro statistics.
  • Completed the first course in this learning journey: Introduction to Structural Modelling for Statisticians.
  • A basic understanding of SDMX, potentially from having taken an introduction to SDMX course.

Units in this module